Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More Pics from 6.29

This is us with our Korea University tour guide, Christine...

Our blog has become so famous that Korea University decided to do a nationwide interview on TV....or not lollollollolol

I love you too Korea...

Pictures from today (6.29)

Us in front of Korea University's main entrance and "Central Park" before our tour this afternoon. Apparently, when the weather is nice, students relax on the grass and have picnics. It's a lot like Auburn's quad... or that weird open field everyone calls "Auburn Beach" (except it's a lot nicer!)

Built into the floor is a 3D map of campus, and it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! They even encouraged us to walk across it. It was a really neat way to see just how large KU is!

Our feet over the school's "Central Park" and front entrance.

Before entering the media center, students must swipe their ID card and reserve a study table for 3 hours at a time. The yellow squares are open, and if someone leaves their desk for more than an hour, their table is given away.

This is how Korea University professors take roll. Students swipe a card before they enter class (so the professor can see if they were on time), and then students must swipe the card after class is over (so the professor can see if they "ran away from class," as our tour guide said)

KU is extremely high tech. This is the entrance to the study rooms in the media center.

This is "Squirrel Road." Tradition says that if you are walking with one other person of the opposite sex and you see a squirrel, the two of you will start dating. However, if you are walking with someone of the same sex and you see a squirrel, then you will remain single for your duration at KU. No squirrels were spotted today...

Beautiful spot at KU. Our tour guide told us that these trees are apparently very expensive, and if you were to steal it, you could go to jail! (Apparently, the pole sticking out of the ground is to hold up the tree, and NOT to strap it to the ground...we won't name names as to who asked that question...)

To commemorate the day, we went to a store that was full of those picture booths! It was so crowded! They even had funny hats and props to use for the pictures.

Apparently after you finish taking the pictures, you can draw on them and add fun clip art pictures!

We laughed so hard while doing this!

Getting the pictures laminated and cut. Thank you girls for such a sweet memory from our first full day in Korea!

Shopping :-) There was SO much to look at!

Sweet friends bought us a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts! They were HOT NOW, and who can resist that sign?

This is how excited Erin is to know Yu-Na Kim is a student at Korea University! Our school counseling friends are planning on taking us to the on-campus Olympic sized skating rink sometime this week. Apparently, the University re-did the entire rink to accommodate her practice needs while at school

Jet-Lag is a Beast

Today we had our first class and met a lot of great new friends in Korea University's school counseling program. We talked about the differences between multicultural & diversity sensitivity in both Korea and the US. We learned a lot from each other and how our two countries are similar and different. For instance, while Korea mostly focuses on multiculturalism (meaning different races and ethnicities), the US has shifted towards focusing on diversity (incorporating factors like religion, gender, SES, sexual orientation, etc.). However, both countries (especially the school counselors in both countries) are working towards establishing equality for all students and helping students who may not have the type of education they need simply because of their minority status.

After class we had lunch with the International Studies chair and her graduate assistant at a Korean Chinese restaurant. We tried LOTS of new food--in fact, we were so full from lunch that we had a bowl of ice cream (from Cold Stone!!) for dinner.

After lunch, we had a tour of Korea University. It is such a beautiful campus with lots of fun traditions. Their media center is the equivalent to our library--lots of places to study and do work!

Finally, we had two girls from our class take us to Janhul to shop (at least, we think that's what it was called...). We took the subway, and it was INCREDIBLE--extremely clean, lots of room to stand and sit, and we felt completely safe.

Now we are getting showers and headed to bed early because we are noticing that we are still severely jet-lagged (especially Jana!) and need to prepare for class tomorrow!

To our cohort: We think of you often and wish you guys were here with us! We miss you!